
Difference between white Eggs brown eggs

white eggs vs brown eggs image

You can have difficulty choosing between brown and white eggs. When you shop for groceries, you need help making the right choice for everything. Even in the case of eggs, you get confused while deciding between white and brown eggs.

Let us look at the below-mentioned differences between brown and white eggs based on different aspects.

White Eggs Vs Brown Eggs 

1. Shell colour:

Shell colour is the fundamental difference between these two eggs. The cause for colour differences in these eggs is genetics. 

For example, chickens of the Leghorn breed lay white eggs, whereas chickens from Rhode Island lay brown eggs. Some species, such as Lushi and Araucana, lay blue-green or blue eggs.

In brown eggs, the colour comes from a pigment called protoporphyrin IX. It consists of heme, which is also responsible for red blood.

2. Protein Spots :

Many customers reject brown eggs due to the protein spots present in them. They think that these spots are blood spots. They form due to the rupture of the blood vessels on the oviduct wall during the formation of the eggs. However, these spots don’t have blood cells. They occur more frequently in brown eggs than in white ones.

3. Cost :

Brown eggs are more expensive because they come from brown-feathered chickens with an enormous appetite. They eat a lot and are big. Hence, it is expensive to keep them. In contrast, the white-feathered chickens are not fed much. Hence, their breeding and raising are cheaper than the brown ones.

4. Size:

White eggs are smaller due to white-lobed chickens being small, whereas brown eggs are bigger because red-lobed chickens are big.

Brown eggs are healthier when compared to white eggs.

So, i guess you got wonderful information related to white eggs vs brown eggs.

What are the factors influencing the colour of the eggshells?

Mentioned below are the factors affecting the colour of the eggshells.


Breeding and the environment in which the hens grow might influence the colour of the eggshells. For example, eggs laid by hens that freely roam in the sunshine contain more vitamin D than those laid by hens that are caged.

2. Food:

The type of food provided to the hens also impacts the quality of nutrition in the eggs. For example, hens fed food containing omega-3 fatty acids will lay more eggs with omega-3 fatty acids. Similarly, hens that consume more vitamin D-rich foods lay more eggs and have more vitamin D.


What are the health benefits of eggs?

People can enjoy several health benefits by including eggs in their diet.

1. Eggs have essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B5, B6, D, E, and K. They also contain calcium, phosphorous, folate, selenium, protein, and healthy fats. Certain studies suggest that protein helps increase metabolism. Hence, eggs are perfect for high protein intake.

2. They also contain HDL, which is high-density lipoprotein and is good cholesterol. Additionally, studies disclosed that eggs are suitable for a healthy heart. They can reduce the chances of heart strokes and other diseases related to the heart. 

3. Eggs contain a high amount of vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient for the eyes. It helps prevent serious eye problems such as glaucoma, blindness, etc. In addition, lutein and zeaxanthin help to decrease the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

4. Eggs contain high amounts of protein, which helps in muscle repair. The protein present in eggs is of higher biological value.

5. Egg yolks contain more vitamin D, which helps the muscles function effectively.

So, if you wanna know about benefits of brown eggs specifically click here.



Eggs are a source of high-quality proteins that help the muscles become stronger. They also contain vitamin A, which is good for eyesight and helps prevent eye issues like cataracts, macular degeneration, and blindness. Eggs also help in reducing heart-related issues. 


Brown and white eggs have an equal amount of protein, approximately 6 grams.

Yes, brown eggs are more expensive than white ones because of the difference in the hens that lay them. 

Yes, there is a difference in colour between brown and white eggs. The colour of the eggshell depends on the breed of the hen.

Shells of both brown and white eggs have the same thickness.

Cage-free eggs don’t necessarily mean free from cruelty, but they have better lives when compared to those existing in battery cages.


Free-range eggs are most likely to be exposed to harmful microbes such as Salmonella and E.

Keeping the free-range eggs in the fridge can last six months or more if stored in a sealed container. 

Organic eggs are eggs that come from chickens that are fed only organic feed, whereas free-range eggs are eggs produced from birds that are allowed to move outdoors.